

Week 11 in Philippine

Hey guuuuys we have news for you!

One of news is now I have a lot of time to write blog. Another news is I catch a Covid-19!


Let’s gooooooo! Finally! I catch a corona virus and I will be able to get absolute immune system like the right of thinking prime minister. So, today I will explain about my circumstances at present.


Unfortunately, my all roommates were also infected. And we were isolated at our room. So, we are only permitted to move in this area.


Only this, if we try to escape here, we are captured and will be pressed AtuAtu tofu against our face as proof of criminal. Yea actually, this way is general punishment in Philippines. Therefore, when Filipino watch Japanese TV show comedians appear on, they think the worst criminal is Degawa.

Now, I am really bad condition I can't say hilarious jokes as usually. So, plz cheer up me bro. I promise to back with jokes no one has never thought. I can't assure it is funny though.qwp 

I will be sleeping any minute now. Bye 

turn off