


心が忙しい。大したことでもないのに。毎回そうだ、だからもうしないって決めて、またして、後悔する。 独りで死ぬまでと思って、隣の芝生を見て欲しくなる。青いのは自分の未熟さなのに。 段々嬉しいに慣れて、もっと求めて、求めすぎた代償を忘れて、堕ち…

#8 1/16-^_^

悪- -朝すぐにパッと起きれない。 -どこか内心で人を見下す時がある。ほんとに良くないよ。 良- -今日も一日中シャオワンがめんこかった。 -中国語少しだけ教えてもらった。また教えてもらおう。再見 -久しぶりのすき家は和牛5Aくらいうまい。5A食べたことな…

#7 1/14-たくさん喋る、笑う

悪- -問題が起こった時に変に焦ってしまうこと。よくない。 -英語がちゃんと喋れないこと。よくない。 -敬語がちゃんと喋れないこと。よくない。 良- -キングがめんこかった。良い。 -加藤さんとロッドがおかず食べさせてくれた。良い。 -MAXさんにお帰りの…

#6 1/13 Kwaii が溢れてる

悪- -メール等に集中しててホテルの前に来る車を見逃しがち。視野広くいたい。 -会話を短く終わらせがちだった。もっと気持ちよく相手から情報を聞き出そう。 - 良- -ナダが今日もめんこい。 -CTQを早く作れた気がする。キングのをたくさん見たおかげかも。…

#5 1/13 眠い日は眠い。そうじゃない日も眠い。

悪- -レストランのメニューを答えられなかったことに対して挑発的な電話を受ける。もっと堂々として、自分を卑下する必要はないと教えてもらった。俺は本田圭佑、俺は本田圭佑 -日勤の仕事は手持ち無沙汰になりがちる。みんなは何してる? -家にメガネ忘れた…

#4 1/11—夜勤の日は1日が完結しない 夜勤空処

悪- -夜勤明け、昼起きダラダラし過ぎる。流石に勿体無い。time is money but, money can't buy time.それっぽい文が書けた、ヨシとする。 -効率性にこだわりすぎて変にストレス、翌日何するか決めてから寝よう。 -バスの運転手に強めの語気で話される。スピ…

#3-1/9- 友好度を2から4くらいに上げるときが1番微妙な感じになる。

悪- -ぶっ壊れイングリッシュを使いすぎた。壊れているのはお前の頭ではないのか。すいません。 -あんまりメールを返せなかった。もっと早くメールの内容を理解したい。なぜなら英語でくるから。 -朝のR女史の言葉にまたもや反応できず、う〜ん。深層心理に…


悪- なんか働いた気がしない、あんまり体調良くなかったかも。 英語が聞けない、話せない 良- 世界史の本が届いた、全知への第一歩を進む。 気のいいゲストに気のいい岩井さんと喋れた、楽しかったな。 学- 世界史、前史〜ギリシャ世界はじめアレクサンドロ…


日記を書こうよ、家族になろうよ 家族になろうよ福山 雅治J-Pop¥255provided courtesy of iTunes ということで、家族ができた時に感動的な日記を書くための感動値を貯めるために日記を書こうと思います。徒然のままに。 ただ、なんのルールもなく書くと徒然…

TOPING-Philippines foods No1

Hi mates Today, I’m going to introduce about Philippines foods. Maybe, from this blog, I will write about foods that I ate in Baguio for a while. Today’s food is this! TOPING! It is made from sticky rice, coconut’s fiber and so on. Actuall…

September 27 2023

What's up bros. It's me. I came back Japan last Sunday, and I have been staying my grandma's house for about a week. In this week, I mean to use for seeing my friends and teachers, which work in my university. I already saw some friends pa…

I appreciate for everyone related with me.

Now, I am staying my grandma’s house. So, I have done my long journey in Baguio. I feel grateful to teachers and friends meeting there. I respect their character ,and I swear to cherish everything they give me. These things are irreplaceab…

leave it here to recall

Hi Yesterday, I took official English test, so my motivation is a little declining and I need to think again purpose of my study. Additionally, I am emotional from Friday because my friend left here. I respect her, I everyday looked forwar…


Hey how are you guys Today, after morning classes, I got divine sleepy that I have not experienced for at least 1 century I was like holy cow! So, I needed to take nap, but it is my mis choice. I took nap for one hour! And I missed my lunc…


Ya good afternoon Last Friday was end of the term and some students and teachers left school including my teachers. One teacher who left last Friday was one of my respectful teacher and she took care of me for about three months. So, I fee…


Good day bros. Basically, current term will finish in next Friday, it means Friday is point of saying bye. Some students and some teachers will leave for some reason. Unfortunately, my two teachers will retire school. Today, one teacher, h…


Hi I’m already sleepy now ,so today I will write shorter than usually. Last Sunday, I went to public market for walking and buying banana for breakfast. I recently consciously try to eat new foods, that is why I bought breads. These is Ube…


Hey yo. U~~n, today I don’t have motivation to write this but I will write because I’m diligent boy. Yeah. Actually, it has been longtime since it was last sunny day and today, finally, it stopped raining. So, I wanna go night market becau…


Heyyyyhey, bros I was like I wrote about my worrying about my speed of improving English, I felt again. I often watch YouTube related English, such as English Vtuber and teaching about English. I consciously choose native speaker’s channel…


Hi I will introduce snacks as I announced. No.1 cloud9 It is kind of Snickers, there is caramel inside and coat it with chocolate. This taste is not bad but not good, it’s like so-so. If I could choose this or Snickers, I would take Snicke…


Good day guys. Today is already August, I cannot believe this fact. Since my English skills is not reached to level as much as I want, so I worried my way to study English and my improving speed. I frequently think about something like tha…


Hi what’s up guys. Today, I received my last Friday's exam result. Ya, this overall score is highest in my ever mark test results. And my target score is 6.0overrall ,so I am approaching pretty close to it. But I am like there is the wall …


Good day guys. it's time for the diary~~. I am like I wanna write this diary everyday as much as possible. Perhaps, it will be even shorter than usual blog but please permit me.By the way, today, my sore throat is recovered eventually so I…


That's a just diary so I don't have any idea and I was not like writing long. Today most things go well. I feel like work out all. First thing, in morning I noticed my throat recovered to use voice. So I restarted my classes since today. B…


Typhoooooooooon! Comiiiiiiiiiing! Tokyodoooooooom! Nikaisekiiiiiiiii! Today, more accurately, last night, typhoon arrived our town. I don’t know this is what name and how large but it is so strong. As a matter of fact, yesterday’s breakdow…



sore throat and breakdown and fruit

What the heck! Electricity is break down. And even worse thing is my fruits are inside refrigerator! Ok I need to explain why this situation is awful like poop from horses ass hole. First thing first, now I have sore throat by stupid Covid…

Week 11 in Philippine

Hey guuuuys we have news for you! One of news is now I have a lot of time to write blog. Another news is I catch a Covid-19! Let’s gooooooo! Finally! I catch a corona virus and I will be able to get absolute immune system like the right of…

week 10 in Philippines

Hi bros Long time no see. I feel sorry for not writing new blog for about a month to my supporters. As a matter of fact, I had already written though, I have fever a month ago. In this term, my routines were broken and my motivation collap…

week5 in Phillipine

Hey yo bros how’s going on? I guess someone worried “why don’t upload next blog? But it is already Sunday!” I have a neat reason. Actually, I have gotten headache, fever and malaise since last Thursday until now. I don’t know why got bad c…