



Typhoooooooooon! Comiiiiiiiiiing! Tokyodoooooooom! Nikaisekiiiiiiiii!

Today, more accurately, last night, typhoon arrived our town. I don’t know this is what name and how large but it is so strong. As a matter of fact, yesterday’s breakdown is caused by this. And there are no classes and also no electricity today. On the other hand, school give wi-fi. light and foods us at cafeteria so, students are gathering there like bugs of summer. Include me as well. I don’t motivate myself to study so now I am writing this to forget my sore throat and cover over awful time by giving Corona and typhoon. Sleepy I am sleepy now. I don’t know why I will become sleepy after eat candy or tablet for relieving sore throat. I suspect that it conclude medicine for human to be sleepy.ummmmmmmmoffff