

week 4 in Philippine

Firstly, sorry for my Japanese supporter from now on I will write my blog in English.

Actually, I feel need more use English because sometime I use Japanese language when contact with friends and communicate with other Japanese student. Then I think “what I do?”, “it is same in Japan” especially when talk other Japanese students. but, I wanna more soak in English. That’s is why I will write my blog in English. If you can’t read or are hard at reading I recommend translate my writing. I guess sentence translated is a little strange but that have about same meaning sentence. So, I will be glad to you read my sentence with your effort.


Okay, without further ado let’s speak about topic of this week.

In this week actually I feel lonely strong because my friend who spend most time together left school. Her plan has for a month for staying at school. So, happening this feeling was known before a month ago but I feel lonely so much.

Anyway my room have three beds but before beds is used only two beds. Actually yesterday new Japanese came to our room. I don’t know he is good or not yet. I can only hope he is good gentle man. I’m already tired and sleepy. I wanna finish soon.



A, ok I gonna to write one more topic. A little wake up. In Friday night I went to club bar with roommate. That is not bad. Usually. But look this.



That,,,what? When I look it I don’t understood this mark is female or male. Because usually male don’t do this pose so I confused by this strange mark. Ok I’m sufficient. Good night.

